Make the Seconds Sale in Santa Cruz a First
Yay! I’m so excited! My favorite event of the year.
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The Bay Area is rich in artists and craft sales. They typically are held in community centers, parking lots, or at art and wine festivals on downtown streets. One of the more unusual and enjoyable sales in the greater Bay Area is the biannual Pottery and Glass Seconds Sale in Santa Cruz.
As its website states. “More than 50 professional potters, glass artists, jewelers and other craftspeople sell seconds, experiments, and overstock at bargain prices.”

The Sale began in 1980 on Squid Alley in downtown Santa Cruz behind the Art Center where it remained for many years until moving to the top parking lot at Cabrillo College. From the start it has been held on the first Sunday in October and May.
My partner Anita Clemetson and I always participate. She is a lifelong potter who produces beautiful functional ware in her garage studio at home I am the roadie and associate sales tech.
My oldest son Steve, a potter himself, displays his own pots at the sale.
The sale is unusual for its short duration. Whereas most sales run for an entire weekend. and sometimes have an opening night on Friday, the Seconds Sale is a one day event that lasts all of four hours.

Opening Wave
When the gates are open, CHARGE! They stream in carrying bags and boxes or pulling wagons. Once we saw someone scooting a dolly. Many are doing serious holiday shopping.
For those of us at the sales tables, sales are brisk at the start with shoppers grabbing discounted pieces. 50% off is common, hardly a bad deal as most of the pieces have no flaws and those that do are largely unnoticeable.

By lunchtime sales have leveled off. We take turns checking out what others are selling and saying hello to friends.

The Sale ends promptly at 2:00. We begin packing up and striking the set. If sales were good, we can gauge them by the amount of space that has opened up on the tables.
That means fewer pots to Bubble wrap and pack in bankers boxes. We started the morning with 16 boxes of ceramics to sell.
Then it is on to Highway 17 which takes us over the Santa Cruz Mountains to the Valley.
The next event for us is the Orchard Valley Ceramic Arts Guild’s annual sale in November at Lucie Stern Community Center in Palo Alto.
For information about the Seconds Sale or to be on their mailing list, see